Saturday, February 9, 2013

Behind the Mic - "Where We're Going"

Thanks for checking in for the 2nd edition of Behind the Mic. For those of you who are new to my blog, Behind the Mic is a post that I do periodically for each of my songs, giving you a behind the scenes story of how the song came to fruition.

Today, we're going to go on a journey to another dimension with the adrenaline pumping song "Where We're Going."

This song is about life. It touches base on the hardships and pain of trying to succeed and feeling like nothing is going right. In this song, I try to create a motivational push to hype up the listener and have them finish the song feeling like they can achieve anything.

In the beginning of this song, you will hear what seems to be a train conductor. I added this element because I wanted the listener to feel like they have sat down for a ride - almost like a short story for the mind.

Welcome to the YTR Dream Lounge. Today we are going to take you places that you have never heard, nor seen in your life.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride… Because after this journey, you will begin to question your life…
(Tracks on the “ride” begin clicking)

I did this to simulate the feeling of a roller coaster ticking its way to the peak of the ride so it can descend into the ride.

You will notice there's a slight pause when you head the initial hook to the song. that is to mimic the feeling you get when you stop at the very top of the roller coaster before it falls. Then with the crash of the cymbal, the song is in full speed.

So now, not to quote the attendant at the beginning of the song: Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

Thanks for listening.


Click the album cover for your free download.

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